Print, Design & Websites
Kall Kwik Bury St Edmunds has taken steps to further improve its environmental impact. We are enrolled in two schemes, Carbon Capture and Carbon Balancing, which will ensure that the paper we use in our digital printing is 100% carbon neutral.
To offset the carbon emitted during the manufacturing and distributions stages of paper production, the emissions are calculated, and the equivalent amount of CO2 is captured or balanced through the planting or preservation of trees.
Run by the Woodland Trust and the World Land Trust, these schemes are an important step in reversing the effects of years of releasing greenhouse gases into our environment.
“The money that is given to the World Land Trust, in my estimation, has more effect on the wild world than almost anything I can think of.”
Sir David Attenborough
Carbon capture is a scheme run by the Woodland Trust. By calculating the average amount of CO2 emitted during the manufacture and distribution stages (using Carbon Trust and DEFRA figures), the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide can be captured through the planting of new woodland, right here in the UK.
By planting new trees, CO2 emissions are offset, negating the negative effects of releasing these emissions into the atmosphere.
Our membership number: 20019900637
Carbon Balanced Paper is a simple way for organisations to reduce the carbon impacts of their printed communications, reducing their carbon footprint and impacts on climate change. Carbon Balancing is where the carbon impacts of a product or service have been estimated and an equivalent amount of carbon dioxide is either prevented from being released into, or is absorbed from, the atmosphere.
Carbon Balancing is delivered by World Land Trust, an international conservation charity, who protects the world’s most biologically important and threatened habitats acre by acre. Their Carbon Balanced Programme offsets emissions through the purchase and preservation of high conservation value forests. Sir David Attenborough is a key patron of the trust. With the aim to protect the world’s most biologically significant and threatened habitats, the charity purchases and protects land which is under threat of clearance.
By preventing this loss of trees, an important carbon sinkhole is preserved, helping to address the impact of greenhouse gas emission on the environment.
Our membership number: CBP002365
No. We are now using carbon balanced paper for all of our digital printing and are absorbing the cost of this ourselves. There is no additional cost to our customers. This means you will be able to help towards your own green targets and reduce your carbon footprint just by using Kall Kwik Bury St Edmunds to provide your print.
In addition, you can use the Carbon Capture/Balancing logos on any of the printed materials which you have had digitally printed by us to show your own customers how much you care about the environment.
If you’re unsure which print you can show these logos on, please speak to our print team on 01284 752266 or email [email protected].
Addressing global climate change has never been more urgent. Recent documentaries by David Attenborough have highlighted the negative effects of single-use plastics on our oceans, while the recent Australian bushfires have undoubtedly been worsened as an effect of warmer temperatures.
We believe that now is the time for all businesses to act on their green credentials.
As well as enrolling onto these Carbon Capture and Balancing schemes, we are also looking into other ways to make our business more environmentally friendly. We have already replaced all disposable plastic cups with glasses and taken steps to reduce fuel emissions when delivering your print.
To find out more about the Carbon Capture or Carbon Balancing schemes, or to find out how you can promote the benefits to your customers, please speak to our print team on 01284 752266 or email [email protected].
Contact us to find out more about our carbon schemes