Print, Design & Websites

Posted: March 11, 2014   •   Posted in: Printing

Make light work of your mailshot

If you’re tired of spending your whole weekend roping in your family to get your mailshot sent out on time, then maybe Kall Kwik’s direct mail service is the answer.

We’ve saved many of our clients time, money, and let’s face it, lots of hard work by planning their mailshot to be produced in the most efficient and economic way. For example…

  • If you use stamps we can save you money by using our PPI (postage paid impression). On a 2nd class letter you can save up to 34%!
  • If you apply labels to your mailshot we can print the name and addresses direct onto your mailing piece.
  • If you fold your mailer by hand, we even have a machine that will do that for you!
  • In fact the whole process of print it, fold it, stuff it and lick it can all be done for you, while you can spend your time doing more productive, and enjoyable things!

Direct mail can work really well with your other marketing campaigns. In fact 46% of people who receive a mailshot go on to visit the brand’s website, and 26% retain the piece for future reference. Source: Direct Marketing Association From letterbox to Inbox Report 2013

Top tips to get the best out of your mailshot

Clean your database
Sending to people who have gone away wastes money. We can help get your database cleaned by removing duplicates, removing gone aways and ensuring they all have a postcode to maximise Royal Mail savings

Personalise your mailshot
Use your customer’s name, but make sure it’s spelt correctly! If you don’t know their name ring them up and ask them. Just sending a mailshot to a company without a named person on is a major missed opportunity.

So what are you waiting for?

Call us now on 01284 752266 or contact us via email [email protected]